Saturday, May 9, 2009

Project Progress, kind of

Remember the procrastination bug? Yeah, pretty sure it moved in and brought all of its friends.

I can't concentrate on this project worth spit. I start to look stuff up, I get sidetracked with other news stories. I start this blog, I think, oh yeah, forgot to buy stamps. I check my campus email 50 times and recheck the assignments due an equal number. But I still don't work any further on the projects that are going to be due this week.

I'm also distracted by the professional development project I've been working on (or rather was supposed to have been working on) for the last few months. This will be due to be done in June as well.

Plus I have a baby reminding me she's coming soon every time she kicks my bladder. And the clutter is not gone from her room. And I have work projects that need to be done before I bug out on maternity leave.

I think I'm dealing with a crisis of my own.

Anyway, I have been thinking about my final project. Does that count? I've been mentally hashing through what kinds of things I could cover and where to look for them. Usually right about the time I think I could actually start writing something, I remember the load of laundry that should go in the dryer. And then that probably my family would like supper sometime before bed.

Perhaps I need to create a crisis communication plan of my own for this last week of class and the coming last weeks of work .

PLAN: Create major projects list, delineate tasks for each, assign each task due dates, STICK TO DUE DATES!

So my plan for this final project is to choose three media outlets, collect samples from each, and analyze them for content. I've already found samples from TV and newspapers, so the only other one to gather from would be internet. The problem is that internet is usually a reprinting from newspaper and TV by those two entities. I can look on the city's web page and look for direct statements from the mayor, police, and other civic authorities. I can also look for blogs from locals on the topic. These should provide for first hand and personalized experiences.

Now, if I can just keep working on this right now and not go off to do some other domestic task....

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Flood that Didn't....

I am going to have a lot of work ahead of me to find out all the stories and news releases about the Mouse River Flood.

Because there was not actually a flood in Minot, I don't remember hearing any one specific spokesperson from Minot, although I have a feeling it would probably be the mayor, Curt Zimbleman.

However, there were many outlying communities that were affected, like Velva, Westhope, Upham, Willow City, Burlington, etc. who were affected. But because of the small size of those communities, I don't know that I will find any singular voice to label as the primary spokesperson.

That is why I believe that probably in our larger community, the recognized source to look to for information has probably become the local news media--primarily the TV stations. The paper has also had a lot of coverage, but the TV stations have more immediate coverage as well as updates on their websites. I'm thinking that is where I will begin my research.

I think this whole project will be quite tangled and confusing and I'm probably going to have to unwind it myself. Minot was preparing for flooding like the other major communities in the state, but because they were mostly spared, it was sor tof the big deal that flopped. It was a big deal, but the city did not have to deal with the major upheaval that other cities like Valley City and Fargo did. And now they still have cleanup to do just like the other cities--sandbags need to be hauled away, the arena needs to be cleaned--but all without the major climax of imminent danger.

Of course this is a good thing--people were spared a lot of damage and stress by not having to go through the ordeal that Valley City has dealt with, but it still leaves a bit of a lost feeling in that all the community support did not really end in a large "Hoorah! We saved the town!"

I hope that I am able to put together a decent project based on the information I find. These types of projects aren't my favorite, but I think it will be ok. Now if only the procrastination bug doesn't bite....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Planning for Crisis--minor or major

After the horrid shooting that took place at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, many schools launched into crisis planning to figure out what to do if similar events happened on their campuses.

While many felt it was overreacting to a painful and scary event, it has proved to be very useful in lots of other minor crises since then.

At our school, committees were formed to draft policy for what to do if such a crisis as a shooter happened. Some felt like it was overkill--this would never happen here, right? But the policies were written and filed. Faculty and staff attended training sessions where videos were shown on how to act if there was an active shooter.

The university system implemented a new auto-response emergency notification system called Noti-Find. This computer generated messaging system simultaneously sends out messages to email, phone, and cell phones. At the time it was implemented, it was likely with the idea of such a crisis as Virginia Tech.

Since then, however, it has been used several times over this ridiculously long and frigid winter to notify employees and students of campus closings. This use in itself has been a huge plus for me.

In the past, I have made the treacherous drive into work in inclement conditions because if I did not, I would be required to take annual leave. On at least one occasion, I arrived only to find out the campus closed and I could go home. That drive home was not any nicer than the drive in.

So this winter when notifind called me to let me know the campus was closing, I was so grateful not to have made that drive in as I had done in the past. Thank you Noti-Find!!

After 9/11, another type of planning went into effect that I have never had to use--how to handle suspicious mail, telephone bomb threats, or abandoned luggage or suspicious cases in public areas. However, I have to say, every time I rip open an envelope and the paper dust floats around, I can't help but think of anthrax spores.

While we have not had the type of crisis that has been planned for, at least the measures taken have proved useful in other more practical and mundane areas. Hopefully, we will never need them for what they were actually designed for.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Joaquin has Competition...

Apparently, Joaquin Phoenix now has competition for being the nuttiest interviewee on the block.

Billy Bob Thornton recently gave a very strange interview on the CBC radio show Q.

Not only did he give bizarre, unrelated, one-word answers, he was downright hostile to the poor guy interviewing him.

The interview was actually with his whole band, The Boxmasters, about their tour with Willie Nelson, their prolific musical output of late, and their new album.

One would assume those would all be fair game topics for discussion when visiting with a radio host about one's band, yes?


Billy Bob responded as though taking great offense to many seemingly benign questions about the band, their start, and his background in film.

Host: You guys formed only in the past couple of years, right?
BBT: I don't know what you are talking about.

Host: What do you learn from Willie Nelson, Billy Bob?
BBT: I've never met him

Host: (attempting to redirect the interview away from monster magazines and back to music) Given that you seem to be quite passionate about music, I was wondering about your....
BBT: (in an insolent tone) Would you say that to Tom Petty?

Throughout the interview, the rest of the band members respond normally with expected answers about the band, their ambitions, and musical interests. But crazy old Billy Bob seems either ticked he is not the total center of attention (even though most of the questions are directed at him) or else just so tired of the standard radio interview that he decides to make it more interesting by giving off-the-wall answers.

Another possibility that crossed my mind is that he is somehow in on whatever kind of 'mockumentary' Casey Affleck and Joaquin Phoenix are supposedly working on. But since no one is talking on that end about what is real and what is staged, we won't know until the thing comes out.

All of this adds up to a whole lot of PR--good or bad. Billy Bob's latest stunt provides tons of web scuttle about his new album even though most people think he behaved as a total whack-job. And any other speculation about possible alterior motives adds to the fuel and buzz about the other projects going on.

Again, PR is PR. And since the general consensus about Billy Bob is that he's sort of half-baked anyway, I doubt this will hurt any interestin his band--even if that was what he was hoping for.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fool me once, shame on......Don't get fooled again!

It's April Fools week, so I figured that is excuse enough to write about light fluffy stuff--like the snow we got April Fools day.

I think Mother Nature's sense of humor is way out of whack on this one. It's one thing to have snow April 1 when it's been warm and melting and lovely for a week or two prior. That's a real April Fools joke. Ha! Look! It snowed and it was so nice! And then it melts.

But this is ridiculous. We haven't even had a taste of spring yet. It's winter in perpetuity--like Dante's lowest circle of hell, only cold.

If I have calculated correctly, I'm pretty sure we got our first staying snow in November. That's five solid months of winter. And when you factor in the months of subzero-never-getting-above-zero-even-for-a-second temperatures, the literally five to six FEET of snow in some areas, and the horrid storms and road conditions, I think that multiplies out to........three years.

I read that April Fools Day started when the calendar changed from starting April 1 to January 1 and those who stuck to the old date had tricks played on them. However, other historians say it's been referenced much further back than that.

I prefer to believe it had much more to do with people going nuts from cabin fever after a stupidly long winter. If they didn't create their own fun, they'd have to shoot themselves to avoid killing someone else. Short sheeting a couple beds sounds like a much healthier alternative to homicide.

So I'm pretty bitter about this April Fools joke. However, today, April 2, it is sunny and warm, and I think I smelled spring for the first time today. If you don't know what that smell is, it's the scent of thawing soil. It's divine.

To narrowly tie this post into something media related, I will link to the favorite office pranks that MSN listed yesterday. Maybe it will give some people some ideas for next year.

Let's just hope Mother Nature has had her jollies and decides to lighten up next go around.

What if she just gets meaner??

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is it Really the Truth?

A friend of mine actually told me about an ad for "clean coal" and sent me the link.

Clean Coal Ad

I can't say I agree or disagree with the ad itself because I don't know enough about coal technology to make an informed decision AND we have coal power in North Dakota that provides a lot of good paying jobs, just like we have oil work in North Dakota also paying well for a lot of people. So I don't feel prepared to make a hard and fast judgment about either, even though the environmentalist in me says "Down with fossil fuels!!"

The ad does the trick, however, in making a very vivid point about how 'clean' coal is. By spraying the coal dust around the room like an air freshener, it gives a great visual for what a coal plant is likely doing to our atmosphere.

And the fact that the Coen brothers directed it helps too.

I saw another ad by the same agency (Reality) on YouTube. The ads remind me of the ads that warn about the dangers of smoking. This is the one I've seen most recently.

These ads are very provocatively done and do an excellent job of reaching people on a visceral level. And that seems to be the key to this type of ad campaign--get a gut reaction.

I do firmly believe smoking is bad for you and I do think everyone should quit. I have not made up my mind on the clean coal thing. But these types of ads would push me to lean in their direction because they make such striking points. After seeing them, I want to know more--know more details, know more facts, know for sure.

But I am a very inquisitive person. How do people who don't care to think much respond? Do they take the word of the ad? Or do they equally blindly dismiss it because it is so extreme in its point?

When constructing my own ad, I have to decide what kind of reaction I want in my audience--do I want a primal, gut-instinct response, or do I want a feel-good, warm and fuzzy response? Am I looking for a solely emotional connection at all? On what level do I want to connect with my audience?

Advertising becomes a very dicey psychological game, and if we aren't careful, it might take a sudden twist we weren't intending at all.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Down Side of an Up Economy

SYKES announced this week that they would be closing their Minot operation as of May 10, 2009.

My first thought when I heard the headline was, "Huh, must have lost contracts with Microsoft or something because of the economy." But as I listened to the story, I learned the actual reason for the closing is because they cannot find enough workers to fill their open positions.

Yes, you read that right.

They are not closing due to loss of work, poor money management, or some CEO scandal. They can't fill the open positions--they can't get enough bodies in the chairs.

Can you imagine this in any other state in the country right now??

This "problem" should be marketed to Job Service offices around the country! There are thousands lining up to apply for a few hundred jobs in some of the harder hit areas. While not everyone would be willing to move to North Dakota, I bet some would. This could be the state's opportunity to bolster their population and generate more good PR like the CNN story from a week or so ago.

North Dakotans for years have collectively wrung their hands trying to stem the tide of outmigration. This seems to me to be the perfect incentive to bring people in.


Now, of course, there are those (like my dear husband) who do not relish the idea of a bunch of 'foreigners' coming in and ruining their solitude.

Don't worry dear.

I'm pretty sure no one is going to come build a shopping mall or apartment complex next to your uber-rural farm which lies 90 miles from anywhere considered civilized to outside folks.

And the rest of you who have this same concern, see the above statement.

When I was in NY a week or so ago, people said, "You're not from here, are you?" And I said with a wide smile, "No, how can you tell?" expecting some sort of "goober" answer.

"You're too nice," was the reply.

So not only do we have jobs and lots of space, we have a nice personality too! Now let's get out there and market it!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blogging in China.....A Lot Like Marketing in the US

I just read an article in Newsweek about bloggers in China. It seems that since the Chinese government controls much of what comes out of mainstream media, the blogosphere has taken up where traditional media has been forced to leave off.

Many bloggers have been able to expose corruption and scandal that otherwise would have been forced to stay quiet. There is some authentic journalism going on.

But just like media in the US, there is also a range in the gamut of quality--some bloggers are finding the equivalent of the Enquirer to be more their style. Others are opting for the capitalistic approach--they are paid by the government to post positive comments about the government and issues it deems important.

This is the part that reminds me of marketing in the US.

Some companies pay bloggers to write positive things about their products. Others pay people to go on sites such as Amazon and write positive reviews in the comment sections. This is a nice way to make a little extra cash for a starving writer who is still trying to get their 1800 page memoir published. But it's really not any more ethical than the bloggers in China posting things for the government.

Most US citizens would find it objectionable for the government to pay people to promote propaganda. They would especially feel indignant and possibly elevated in comparison if that government were a communistic one such as China. And they are probably justified in those opinions.

But why do these same people accept it as just part of a capitalistic society that companies are going to do whatever necessary to promote their product? It's marketing, they say.

Yes, there is a big difference between marketing a widget and a government. But in the end it's all ideas being pushed, right? And for that matter, everyone and everything is pushing an idea or agenda at all times. So who do you believe? How do you decide who is honest and who is blogging for the government?

I guess the upside of the democratic version is that we have the option to hear everything, even if we know most of it is a bunch of crap.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Little Optimism for the Week.....

I get a newsletter called Fishful Thinking from Goldfish Crackers. Most times, it just gets deleted, but this time it really struck me and I want to share it: (I can't link it since it's in my email)

"I have come to not like the suffix “er”. Happier, Smarter, Better, Neater, matter how much we have achieved, we can always throw on an “er” and the quest to take it to the next level continues. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not opposed to self-improvement, skill enhancement, or excellence. But the problem is, that all this “er-ing” can make us forget that we might already be happy enough, smart enough, good enough, neat enough, and thin enough. I think of this as the battle between improvement and contentment.

Contentment – appreciating who you are, what you have, and what is enough—is as important for children as it is for parents. Naming what we are content with and have enough of teaches our children that despite the “er” culture in which we live, it is important and healthy to relish things with which we are satisfied. We don't always need to strive for more. Focusing on what is enough teaches children to feel grateful for what they have received and to be proud of who they are. It reminds us to savor and celebrate what is good, right and satisfying. It reminds us that the quest for better and more is good, but that better and more shouldn't trump contentment." --Fishful Thinking Newsletter, February 24, 2009

I love the point of this little newsletter--our society breeds us to be discontented. It is a wonderful reminder to sit back and think about what we have that is good and enough.

I was just doing this the other day. I found myself starting down the mental road of, "why is this like this and this should be different and I need to tell this person that this is unacceptable..." It was not a productive path. Then I sat back and started to think of all the things that are "right" in my life--my husband, my daughter, my job, my new baby on the way. These are the things I should be focusing on.

From a PR standpoint, this seemingly insignificant newsletter has upped my social opinion of Goldfish crackers--not because from this one note I think they are going to save the world. But it shows me that they are interested in more than just selling more fishy crackers. (And, yes, I know that they are interested in selling more fishy crackers.) But I think this little campaign fits in with a trend some other companies are following--the Dove Real Beauty campaign and all the entities jumping on the 'green' bandwagon.

Yes, these are all cleverly disguised marketing techniques, but at least they have a good side effect--possibly getting us all to give a little more thought to why we buy things instead of just following the rest of the lemmings over a cliff.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Mommy Factor

For those of you who are not watching Open Season and Garfield 24/7, you probably heard about the whole Caylee case a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago.

Well, that's what happens when you become a mom and surrender your right to the outside world of CNN for Boog and Elliot.

I just (honestly, just today, like five minutes ago) heard about this horrendous case, which started out as a missing person case. For those of you stuck in cartoon world like me, I'll recap (quickly before Dora comes back on!)

Caylee Anthony, an adorable two-year-old from Florida, was reported missing last summer. Her mother claimed to be looking for her and desperate to find her. Now, most likely due to the ridiculous number of mothers pleading for their kids and then being found to be the culprit, I doubt I would have believed her from the outset. (Sorry mom's who are in that desperate situation--I don't ever want to be in your shoes, but I won't believe a word you say until you are cleared as a suspect.)

Obviously, after a search and lots of information coming up from family and friends, it was discovered the story was not adding up. The mom was eventually charged with murder and more recently, the girls remains were found.

I have two reasons for writing about this--One-as a PR writer, please don't assume your audience already knows the background info. Yes, I too get annoyed when reading a news story where the last half is all recap that EVERYONE should already know. (Hello! Where've you been? Mars? No, I've been in the land of Tigger & Pooh.) But I see now why this is so important.

The reverse pyramid is a wonderful format for getting info out quick--the newest and most relevant first (for those in the know) and the back story at the bottom for people like me. That way everyone else can just quit reading.

The second reason for writing about this story is that if you look at the website I linked to at the top, they have an ENORMOUS amount of informaiton on this story. There are links to phone conversations, video clips, court documents. One could easily spend all day reading and catching up on this story. The paper's format for quick, easy-access clips and info make it easy to get sucked in and bogged down in the site for far longer than one may have planned.

Why is this so ingenious? The longer you are on their site, the more ads you see. The more ads you see, the more they can charge their advertisers. Very smart plan.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

His Best Performance to Date...

Joaquin Phoenix appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman last night (2/11/09) and in my opinion, it was his best performance to date.

The video clip on YouTube had thousands of views already at 9 a.m. this morning. There are plenty of comments as to whether he was high on something or just putting on an act as part of a project he is doing with Casey Afflek. Whatever the case, his visit to the Late Show is clearly upping his 'presence' with the public, which certainly won't hurt both his current movie and anything to come in the near future.

If you haven't seen the clip, Joaquin appears on the Late Show wearing a Blue's Brothers-inspired suit, dark glasses, and a very scruffy beard. His answers and conversation with Dave seem quite impaired and disconnected, although a couple comments he makes, i.e. What do you have these guys gassed up on? (referring to the audience) and I've seen the guests on your show both seem to be double-sided comments that could be in fact addressing himeslf.

Those comments lead me to believe this is indeed just an act, maybe a little stunt, either to draw attention, get the public noticing, or just as part of the alleged project he is working on with Afflek. But the thing that really makes me believe it's an act is that at the very end of the interview, the part where normally the sound is cutting off, he turns his back to the audience, takes off the glasses, shakes Dave's hand, and can be heard to say, "Nice job." His body stance in that moment appears to be fully controlled and alert. I would think if he really was just a hopped up celebrity, he would not have taken off the glasses.

No matter if it was an act or just another Hollywood burnout, everyone is talking about and even bad publicity is still publicity.

A pretty ingenious PR stunt and a pretty great act, if you ask me.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Holy cow--it's a herd of kids!

I'm dumbfounded. Each time I read something new about the octuplets born in California, it becomes more and more surreal.

The first report was miraculous. Eight babies, all healthy, and the eight a surprise to the doctors! A team of 43 doctors and nurses to deliver them--WOW! Amazing! Modern medicine is so great!

What? She used fertility treatments? Well, I guess that doesn't surprise me. How else would someone get a litter of kids in one shot. Well, she must have really wanted a baby.

WHAT? She has SIX kids already? Are you kidding me? (Actually the word that immediately came to mind was not kidding....) Why would anyone who has six kids need fertility treatments to have more? Why would they want more?

NO WAY! She is not married, used fertility treatments with ALL of her pregnancies, and lives with her parents. Whoever said truth is stranger than fiction was understating things.

What kind of doctor would even provide these treatments to her? How is she paying for it? I thought I read that each invitro treatment can cost from $10,000 to $15,000. I haven't seen how many of her previous six were multiples, but even two treatments is $20,000 to $30,000. That's a chunk of change for someone with a technical degree, no partner, and living with her parents.

Now I read she filed bankruptcy last year for $981,371. So perhaps these treatments are not even being paid for. And yet she manages to get another one.

I have dealt with and am still working to pay down what I consider a large chunk of debt. I agonize over every shopping trip and wonder if I should have spent that money or paid down more debt. This lady not only is not concerned about raising 14 kids on her own, she's not worried about paying for them, she's not worried about the fact that she hasn't been able to pay for the ones she has--she's not worried!

Maybe I'm just not getting the logic, but I really, really don't get it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Inner Workings of the Capitol

This week my job has brought me to the State Capitol where I was able to observe the hearing on the bill for state employee compensation.

Having never ever been to the capitol during legislative session, and having never observed any part of the process, it was interesting to see how business is conducted here for each bill.

This particular bill asks for a 5% pay increase for each year for the next two years as well as funding for equity and market increases for state employees.

There was no one opposed to the bill.

I was able to see how public relations plays a big part in this process since all who spoke in favor of the bill represented various agencies and were in effect just giving a public plug for the bill and their agency. The news crew was there, so it not only gave them public exposure for the bill, but for the work they are doing for their agencies. So they were not only publicizing their agencies, but also their own job, i.e. See? Look! I'm doing my job for you!

I can see why this type of promotion is very important for both the agency and the future of the bill. Even if there was no opposition to the bill, if no one came to speak in support, the committee could very well think that this must not be very important to the agencies it was affecting and perhaps next time around they just won't worry about working so hard in their behalf.

Politics in general is one big public relations event after another. There are times I think it's so much a big spectacle with not much action coming from all the fluff. But I can see why it's necessary.

The public needs to feel they have a say and a part in the process. To facilitate that, they need to know what's going on. This means the need for lots and lots of communication and press releases. And since the politicians want them to support their ideas, they need to do a lot of PR to convince them it's a good idea.

So technically the politicians are really making all the big plans and to be successful, they just have to be really good at getting the proper PR spin out to help their public think it was their idea first!

As it happens, my purpose in being here at the capitol is a public relations event in itself. I am displaying and representing the Medical Transcription program along with our colleagues from the horticulture program for the Career and Technical Education (CTE) exhibit this week. And of course, the whole point of being here, sitting answering questions, and schmoozing with the legislators and other visitors is to promote our programs, raise awareness of our school, and demonstrate that the money that the legislators provide CTE, and by extension us, is going to good use.

Hopefully they agree.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Everyone's Dream Job

By now most everyone has heard about Tourism Queensland's promotion for The Best Job in the World.

But for those of you who maybe have not, I will elaborate!

As a tourism promotion for the Barrier Reef Islands, Tourism Queensland decided to launch this promotion to hire an "island caretaker." The job description includes feeding the fish, checking the mail, and cleaning the pool. Applicants are asked to submit a 60-second video clip describing why they are the best choice. Eleven finalists will be flown to the islands for an interview in May, with the final choice to commence work July 1.

The compensation package includes airfare to and from the islands and $150,000 AU (about $100,000 US).

Now of course the final choice will have to do more than clean the pool. They are required to try new things and showcase all of the opportunities and adventures that abound on the islands and then take pictures and video and blog about their experiences.

This is a very economical PR campaign for several reasons: the media attention (free) that this job has generated has already given them the estimated equivalent of $10 million in publicity on a $1.1 million campaign. (MSN news article) The opportunity itself is an opportunity of a lifetime for whomever is chosen and offers them what to an individual would be a phenomenal salary. Yet for the PR campaign, $100,000 is spent on a single magazine ad campaign. No doubt this campaign is being blogged about all over the Internet and will be followed by both the applicants and their friends to see who is chosen creating even more long-term publicity.

When looking at this model, I wonder how I could implement something similar in my own promotion of the events I manage. I have seen people trying to sell businesses do a similar model by offering a paid-to-enter contest. For example, someone trying to sell their B&B might do the traditional route and list with a Realtor and possibly get their asking price. Or they could take a chance, list it as an essay contest with a $100 entry fee, and hope the business is appealing enough to get a lot of entries and perhaps make more. (watch The Spitfire Grill as a fictional example)

I did try something similar on a much smaller level when I first started The Turtle Mountain Birding Festival seven years ago. I did a promotion with some radio stations around the state to give away one weekend package to a couple. Unfortunately, we did not get enough paying participants to actually hold the event that year, so my PR efforts were for naught. But at least I was on the right track!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Learning from Writing

It occurred to me after reading my post from yesterday with fresh eyes that I am guilty of the very sin I accused others of committing--not realizing how their speech (or writing) would affect their audience.

It is true that you don't know what you think until you write it down and read it out loud. I see now that by pointing out the flaws of my employers' marketing campaigns, I may be damaging my possible future opportunity to help them improve. If they were to somehow come across my blog, they might take offense that I am criticizing them publicly. Causing offense certainly won't build the type of PR needed to promote my own plan!

So, although my previous post is not perfect, I am learning already. If criticizing, do so cautiously, especially if doing so in public. Otherwise the public relationship with the recipient may disintegrate.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Training to be a Professional Mind Reader

"...the public relations person must know human behavior and combine that knowledge with specific information about people within the institution and people outside whom the institution deals with." -- Chapter 1, Public Relations Writing

By nature I am a perceptive person. My Myers-Briggs type leans heavily in the intuitive as opposed to sensing side. I have always been very (if not overly) sensitive to the actions and emotions, concealed or expressed, of those around me. It never ceases to amaze me when I meet those in highly public positions who seem oblivious to how their speech and actions affect those listening to and watching them.

My goal in this class is to learn how to professionally apply this natural knowledge and hopefully assist the organization for whom I work to market itself better. At this point in time, our institution has a fairly disjointed method of marketing. The campus admissions office is responsible for their own marketing material including the college catalog and all brochures and material sent out to prospective students. Any other entity within the school, i.e. distance education, community education, etc., does their own thing. The webpages don't even match up. Just click online campus to see the difference. I can see a trend toward trying to unite and combine, but because this would ultimately involve rearranging departments and job descriptions, I don't think it will happen until some retire or new administration comes in that is not afraid to shake things up.

Hopefully this class will teach me how to prepare a logical and air-tight proposal for how an effective marketing and public relations department (more likely position) would look and how it could benefit the college not only in presenting a unified and effective front, but monetarily as well. (Let's face it--that's the bottom line. If you can show them how it will save them money, they'll listen.)

So for those of you who have worked at a similarly dysfunctional organization, feel free to share your experiences!