Thursday, February 5, 2009

Holy cow--it's a herd of kids!

I'm dumbfounded. Each time I read something new about the octuplets born in California, it becomes more and more surreal.

The first report was miraculous. Eight babies, all healthy, and the eight a surprise to the doctors! A team of 43 doctors and nurses to deliver them--WOW! Amazing! Modern medicine is so great!

What? She used fertility treatments? Well, I guess that doesn't surprise me. How else would someone get a litter of kids in one shot. Well, she must have really wanted a baby.

WHAT? She has SIX kids already? Are you kidding me? (Actually the word that immediately came to mind was not kidding....) Why would anyone who has six kids need fertility treatments to have more? Why would they want more?

NO WAY! She is not married, used fertility treatments with ALL of her pregnancies, and lives with her parents. Whoever said truth is stranger than fiction was understating things.

What kind of doctor would even provide these treatments to her? How is she paying for it? I thought I read that each invitro treatment can cost from $10,000 to $15,000. I haven't seen how many of her previous six were multiples, but even two treatments is $20,000 to $30,000. That's a chunk of change for someone with a technical degree, no partner, and living with her parents.

Now I read she filed bankruptcy last year for $981,371. So perhaps these treatments are not even being paid for. And yet she manages to get another one.

I have dealt with and am still working to pay down what I consider a large chunk of debt. I agonize over every shopping trip and wonder if I should have spent that money or paid down more debt. This lady not only is not concerned about raising 14 kids on her own, she's not worried about paying for them, she's not worried about the fact that she hasn't been able to pay for the ones she has--she's not worried!

Maybe I'm just not getting the logic, but I really, really don't get it.


  1. OK, after reading Shannon's post, I do get it now and it makes me sick. If money is really this crazy lady's reason for having a kid ranch, she should be committed. It is insane. And what crazy idiot doctor would give her invitro treatments that many times with no partner, no home of her own, and who knows about the job? I'm just incredulous! (normally I try really hard not to judge people since I don't know all their circumstances and motives, but this seems borderline abuse.)

  2. I have heard this story over, and over, but I just can't believe it, or understand it. Six kids, then eight more, holy!! I can't even begin to imagine that many children plus the mother, and the mother's parents, in a tiny house( from what I've heard). I can hear this lady singing now, "MONEY, MONEY, MONNNEYYY". It's terrible that she thought having these many kids would get her maybe ahead in life, with welfare and everything in the state supporting her. Let alone I'm sure there will be a new reality T.V. show about her, there is a couple million dollars for her. The cost of the invitro treatment, wow, thats unreal. Paying that much to have that many kids, where is she getting this money??!?!?!??!

  3. I read that article that you linked, because I have heard about this story, but haven't actually read into it yet. And her other 6 kids range from 2 to 7, and they can only get certificates for the four oldest (who all share the same sperm donor). And I guess it was the lady's mom who filed for bankruptcy. . . But yeah, if someone does give her a show for popping out all those kids, then what? Is this going to be the new thing? Pop out 14 or more kids and get a tv show! Oh boy, what is this world coming to? Or should I say... Some People! =\

  4. I think people are doing this as a scam to get money, because i remember reading a few years ago one of the first people that had like 6 kids at once got a bunch of money. She got free diapers and things like that as well. I was watching i think Dr Phil or one of those shows and he had a lady on there that had like 8 and she said that she could not pay for them but ended up getting millions of dollars from groups and organizations. The thing is you cannot work if you have that many childen at once you would never be able to afford a sitter.
