Saturday, May 9, 2009

Project Progress, kind of

Remember the procrastination bug? Yeah, pretty sure it moved in and brought all of its friends.

I can't concentrate on this project worth spit. I start to look stuff up, I get sidetracked with other news stories. I start this blog, I think, oh yeah, forgot to buy stamps. I check my campus email 50 times and recheck the assignments due an equal number. But I still don't work any further on the projects that are going to be due this week.

I'm also distracted by the professional development project I've been working on (or rather was supposed to have been working on) for the last few months. This will be due to be done in June as well.

Plus I have a baby reminding me she's coming soon every time she kicks my bladder. And the clutter is not gone from her room. And I have work projects that need to be done before I bug out on maternity leave.

I think I'm dealing with a crisis of my own.

Anyway, I have been thinking about my final project. Does that count? I've been mentally hashing through what kinds of things I could cover and where to look for them. Usually right about the time I think I could actually start writing something, I remember the load of laundry that should go in the dryer. And then that probably my family would like supper sometime before bed.

Perhaps I need to create a crisis communication plan of my own for this last week of class and the coming last weeks of work .

PLAN: Create major projects list, delineate tasks for each, assign each task due dates, STICK TO DUE DATES!

So my plan for this final project is to choose three media outlets, collect samples from each, and analyze them for content. I've already found samples from TV and newspapers, so the only other one to gather from would be internet. The problem is that internet is usually a reprinting from newspaper and TV by those two entities. I can look on the city's web page and look for direct statements from the mayor, police, and other civic authorities. I can also look for blogs from locals on the topic. These should provide for first hand and personalized experiences.

Now, if I can just keep working on this right now and not go off to do some other domestic task....


  1. i totally agree with you. I to kinda procrastinated a bit, but it is also hard to work on projects where you need the internet to do research and you dont have it at home so you have to rely on other sources of internet and they are only open at certain times. i to hope that i can get all of these projects in and complete on time. Good luck with yours.

  2. I am so glad to hear that the procrastination bug is living at your house too! Like you, things have exploded at work just in time for me to lose all concentration I had managed to gather up for finals week!

    My interviews did not go as well as planned, as mayors are very busy people and gave me short shrift on my assignment. I am also scanning internet site upon internet site, looking for any usable information for this project….all nine pages worth 

  3. Procrastionation... ahhh got to love it eh? Never fails me, I always tend to leave way too many things til the last minute. Not good! The paper for this class... is ...kinda there.. needs lots of work yet - and I have 2 tests to take before the day is over on Friday and another paper to write before the close of the day on Thursday. Lovely.
    But all-in-all, I will have to just push myself, like others often have to do, to get it done because I couldn't seem to concentrate on it when I had more time.

  4. sounds like you are VERY stressed! same here, life is no fun with all these changes that have been going on because of the Flood. As of right now I am the in the process of moving and i just started my job in fargo on Monday. Working over 8 hrs a day and then driving an hr back to valley and then trying to find motivation to do homework is so hard. And since the end is SO close its even hard to stay focused.

    I hope that by tomorrow you feel alot more relieved.

    Have a great summer!!
