Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Down Side of an Up Economy

SYKES announced this week that they would be closing their Minot operation as of May 10, 2009.

My first thought when I heard the headline was, "Huh, must have lost contracts with Microsoft or something because of the economy." But as I listened to the story, I learned the actual reason for the closing is because they cannot find enough workers to fill their open positions.

Yes, you read that right.

They are not closing due to loss of work, poor money management, or some CEO scandal. They can't fill the open positions--they can't get enough bodies in the chairs.

Can you imagine this in any other state in the country right now??

This "problem" should be marketed to Job Service offices around the country! There are thousands lining up to apply for a few hundred jobs in some of the harder hit areas. While not everyone would be willing to move to North Dakota, I bet some would. This could be the state's opportunity to bolster their population and generate more good PR like the CNN story from a week or so ago.

North Dakotans for years have collectively wrung their hands trying to stem the tide of outmigration. This seems to me to be the perfect incentive to bring people in.


Now, of course, there are those (like my dear husband) who do not relish the idea of a bunch of 'foreigners' coming in and ruining their solitude.

Don't worry dear.

I'm pretty sure no one is going to come build a shopping mall or apartment complex next to your uber-rural farm which lies 90 miles from anywhere considered civilized to outside folks.

And the rest of you who have this same concern, see the above statement.

When I was in NY a week or so ago, people said, "You're not from here, are you?" And I said with a wide smile, "No, how can you tell?" expecting some sort of "goober" answer.

"You're too nice," was the reply.

So not only do we have jobs and lots of space, we have a nice personality too! Now let's get out there and market it!!


  1. Your blog rings all too familiar in my ears, Aimee! For the last couple of weeks, our office has been talking of this exact thing. We are trying to convince our community that a new high school, a new middle school, and a new elementary school are needed for our rapidly growing community. The community is worried about the economy, because they don’t realize our economy is in pretty good shape. As you said, there are business that need bodies to fill seats, which means we need desks for their children’s bodies to fill!

  2. I agree with both you and Heather. So many people and communities are scared to do anything right now because of the economy. But to close a company because of lack of workers is really shocking to hear, especially now. I think that this would be a great time for North Dakota to tell everyone what they have to offer. It could help our economy as a state as well as many struggling families out there. I don't think closing the operations all together is the anser at all, instead that is making to worse. good article too, it was very interesting.
